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Etat User Support Specialist

Firma: Avenga miejsce pracy: Rzeszów

Avenga is a global IT and digital transformation champion. We deliver strategy, customer experience, solution engineering, managed services, software products and outsourcing services like: staff augmentation, team leasing and permanent employment.Together, we are more than 2500 professionals with over 20 years of experience. We are present in Europe, Asia and the USA.
User Support Specialist
Miejsce pracy: Rzeszów
Nr ref.: DK/FDA/WAW/11

Avenga jest światowym ekspertem w obszarze IT i transformacji cyfrowej. 

W ramach linii Transforming Industries świadczymy szeroką gamę usług – od doradztwa strategicznego, usług związanych z customer experience, projektowaniem rozwiązań, po tworzenie oprogramowania.  W ramach obszaru Avenga IT Professionals oferujemy outsourcing najwyższej klasy specjalistów w trzech modelach współpracy: staff augmentation, team leasing i rekrutacje stałe. 

Łączymy kreatywność i innowacyjność z umiejętnością szybkiej realizacji kompleksowych projektów nastawionych na uzyskanie wymiernych korzyści oczekiwanych od dużego dostawcy rozwiązań IT.

Avenga to ponad 2500 profesjonalistów i 20-letnie doświadczenie w realizacji projektów IT.

Jesteśmy obecni w Europie, Azji i USA. W Polsce działamy od 2004 roku (poprzednio pod nazwą IT Kontrakt).



  • Handling technical and functional incidents related to supported service/application in accordance to Incident Management Guideline throughout all stages of their lifecycle (i.e. proper incident logging, categorization, prioritization, functional or hierarchical escalation, investigation & diagnosis, resolution & recovery, closure).
  • Providing expertise to incident, problem management, change, release and configuration management according to ITSM
  • Maintain GxP systems in validated state, according to Computer Systems Validation (CSV) policy and procedures
  • Collaborate with delivery partners and facilitate cross-functional experts to deliver a particular service where required
  • Proactive identification and communication of technical issues requiring further investigation / analysis by the respective support teams
  • Following best practices regarding maintenance of incidents in SNOW as per Incident Management Guidelines
  • Logging, review and processing all received service requests from appointed clients teams, managers or customers


  • At least 3 years of relevant experience as IT Support Specialist
  • Expert hands-on experience in one or more of the following: Serialization/Track & Trace, Label Management, Traceability, Barcode Tracking, Supply Chain Control
  • Experience in one or more domains: packaging(preferred),manufacturing,supply chain, engineering  in Pharma/life sciences industry
  • Working knowledge of Computer Systems Validation (CSV) and GxP
  • Responsible for providing reliable delivery of IT services based on IT Service Management (ITSM) processes
  • Good knowledge of ITIL, Oracle DB, SQL
  • Experience in Windows Server administration, Active Directory/ServiceNow
Please include in your application the following consent:I agree to the processing of my personal data provided by me, not mentioned in art. 221 § 1 of the Labor Code, or other specific provisions applicable pursuant to art. 221 § 4 of the Polish Labour Code, in order to recruit by the Administrator - Avenga IT Professionals Sp. z o.o. with registered office in Wrocław, ul. Gwiaździsta 66, 53-413 Wrocław, for the position User Support Specialist .

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